Minth Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

This mint chocolate chip smoothie is so dang good, y\’all! It got 5,000 thumbs up from my youngest, and it\’s been a consistent favorite in our house. It is the #1 most requested breakfast smoothie in our home. When you taste it, you\’d never guess that there\’s a cup of spinach blended up in it. It\’s full of healthy fats that are good for you and will leave you satisfied all morning long.


The recipe calls for 1 cup of spinach or other mild tasting green. Selecting a green that\’s not bitter is really important, otherwise you can find yourself having to overcompensate with a sweetening agent like stevia to cover up the bitterness. We grow our own lettuces, chard and spinach in our basement throughout the year, and that gives me a chance to get well-acquainted with the greens that will be mildest for our smoothies. But in general, fresh spinach, green leaf lettuce and even Romaine are good choices.


Another unusual ingredient this smoothie calls for is mint flavored chlorophyll. I had never heard of it before I began eating clean, but you can find it at your natural grocery store with the supplements, and it\’s super good for you. It gives you an extra dose of nutrients and has anti-inflammatory properties. Plus it\’s what puts the \”mint\” in this mint chocolate chip smoothie.


So let me know what you think in the comments. Is this mint chocolate chip smoothie really as good as we think it is?

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